Worth Shop Open

Good News! The Worth shop is open for business! Currently you can pay for consulting services (Include your invoice #).

You can also purchase Lisa’s Home Cooking Collection, written by a good friend of mine. It contains some very good recipes that you will enjoy.

You can also leave a tip (shekels), if you feel some advice was very usefull.

You can view the shop at https://www.worthconsulting.ca/worthshop/

also you can buy the recipe book at https://www.worthconsulting.ca/worthshop/lisa-recipe-book/


Just in time for Passover, I have written (as a challenge from a friend) a simple Afikomen game. It is a simple puzzle with 25 books called Haggadahs. Under the book, there is a piece of Matza called an Afikomen. If you find it, it will play a little song.

Hope you like it.

You can get in in the Google Play store here